General lemnitzer at Kluang1956
[Ref: RG-93]
General Lemnitzer C. in C. U.S. Forces Fareast and Field Marshal Sir Francis Wogan Festing, C. in C. British land based forces Fareast together with brigade officers pose for a photograph outside 63 Gurkha Infantry Brigade officers mess at Kluang 1956. Prior to me taking this photo, Gen. Lemnitzer came over, looked at my camera (a 1952 Exacta Varex) and said, "That's a mighty fine camera you have there corporal". General Lemnitzer completed his military service in 1969 reaching the level of Supreme Allied Commander, Europe. In 1958 Field Marshal Sir Francis Wogan Festing became Aide-de-Camp to the Queen.
Armed escort
[Ref: RG-87]
Armed escort occomaning Lieutenant General Roger Herbert BOWER,C.B.,C.B.E. Director of Operations during a tour of military forces in the state of Johore.Note the large A.P.C. (Armoured Personnel Carrier) which is a BEDFORD R.L. 15 standard Bedford RL 4x4s were modified by R.E.M.E. work shops in Singapore, also the OTTER this was also used as an APC which could carry a total of 8 (includes a front passenger and the driver. During WW2 it was classed as a Light Reconnaissance Car.The Staff car is an Austin A95.