221 VEH. BTN.
Vehicles waiting to be deliered to 221 VB Park.
[Ref: RG-63]
Vehicles waiting to be delivered to 221 Vehicle Battalion Park at TEBRAU. Other vehicles in the picture are Austin Tilley, Dodge 1 ton, Humber Staff car, Scammel recovery Tractor and Bedfod OY cargo. Picture taken fron first floor living quarters MAJEEDI Barracks.
Scammell towing a Tasker Trailer
[Ref: RG-76]
1954 Scammell Exsplorer towing a Tasker 20 ton Low Loader trailer and returning to the vehicle park at TEBRAU, on the trailer is a Land Rover which is either damaged or a non-runner it will be repaired and returned to military use. (Note the "split-Screen" Morris Minor behind). This vehicle is beleived to have been driven by Pte. CODY who was a footballer of some repute and played in the 221 team and the Corps. More detail would be appreciated.
New ALVIS Saracens 1954
[Ref: RG-73]
The first batch of the new Mk.1 ALVIS Saracens to be delivered to the Far East are now waiting to be moved to the Vehicle park at TEBRAU, in the state Johore, Malaya which is north of Johore Bahru. Other vehicles it the picture are, rear end of a Standard Vanguard Mk1, Dodge 1 ton, Scammel recovery Tractor, A.E.C. Matador and Humber 4x4 Staff car. These vehicles have been parked-up overnight at Majeedi Barracks having been collected from Singapore docks the previous day.
Diamond T and Layland Hippo
[Ref: RG-75]
Diamond T of 221 Veh.Btn. returning from Singapore docks with a MK 1 Layland Hippo in "Rigid" tow and heading back to the vehicle park at TEBRAU, there it will be repaired and put into storage. It will be reasigned to another unit as and when required. IWM Ref: HU 51350